Maintained by Micaela Levachyov

Search Report For Sunday 10/3/19

The weather, best described as not just windy but storm force winds and squalls of hailstones. 

Thirteen members attended the search, we left the meeting and set off to the farm at about 09:05 it was not a comfortable drive dodging the fallen branches in narrow lanes and as we neared the farm the road was blocked by a fallen tree, hence we had to turn around and find another route  to our destination.

On arrival at the farm the car park was full of horse boxes as there was some horsey event on. One of their organisers suggested that we park up the lane, this was not a problem, but fifty yards up the lane was another fallen tree and nobody wanted to park under trees in these conditions, thus we returned to the main car park and parked where we could. 

Although the conditions can only be described as horrendous, most members searched into the afternoon.

As for finds, mainly shot gun cartridges, shrapnel and bullet shells although there were few interesting artefacts, not many coins on this day.