Maintained by Micaela Levachyov


It’s nearly September so it won’t be long before Christmas stock arrives in the shops – we are already being urged to book our Christmas meals. Our Christmas do will be on 12th December and will include a quiz and raffle. Some food and drink (soft) will be supplied but please feel free to bring some snacks of your choice and alcohol if so inclined. It will also be time to judge our competitions – other than the any sites competition which will be done at the AGM. So holders of last years trophies (not any sites) please bring back your priceless prizes – polished where appropriate. My butler got the hump last year when I handed him several tarnished items to restore.

Some prizes will be supplied by the club for the raffle. Contributions are welcome so now is the time to raid the darkest corner of the drinks cabinet/larder for that bottle of strange liquid from some foreign clime that you never got round to sampling (they’re never quite the same once you’re at home, are they?) or the box of chocs/biscuits – hopefully in date – that are not to your taste. And any other item you care to bring. Family members are welcome – but not as raffle prizes, thank you!

Whilst on the subject of Christmas – older members will be aware of the Christmas Wrap Up held in November.  Apart from a few, farmers’ presents will now be in the form of vouchers so the paper and Sellotape fest is no more.


Happy autumn,

