Maintained by Micaela Levachyov

New member – successful recovery!

I received this email via the website during Saturday night:

Hi please can I ask for some help?  I lost my wedding ring in the Tonbridge sports ground sandpit.  Can anyone please help me?  Thanks Scott

I knew we had two new members who live in Tonbridge so I contacted Malcolm and Tim. Tim rang Scott and they arranged to meet.

This is what Tim tells me happened:

‘The wet sand made it a bit tricky I was getting false signals all over the place. In the end it was down on the old hands and knees! Found it between two steel posts so probably wouldn’t have picked it up with the detector any way.

 It was worth helping just to see Scott’s face light up when I found it! He kindly offered me some “beer money” but I told him no thanks as it help to get me out of bed!

 I took a photo with my mobile’

Here is that photo:

I received this nice email from Scott:

‘I just wanted to say a big thank you to Tim and the club.  He came and helped me and we were successful! Even without the aid of the detector in the end. So kind of him and all your members to offer their help like this. 
