Maintained by Micaela Levachyov

Evening meeting 15th November

OK, OK, so you may be fed up with the mention of the C word already what with Christmas cards in Clintons since September and  adverts urging you to order “real” Christmas trees now. Surely, it’s either a Christmas tree or it isn’t. Anyway, at our next meeting we will be wrapping presents for our friendly farmers and making arrangements for their distribution. Many hands make light work and help on the night and volunteers to do the rounds would be most welcome. Just think, a run into the country, maybe pick up some fresh eggs from the farmer, pub lunch and/or a National Trust property somewhere – you know it makes sense. I you are able to be a Santa you will need to load your sleigh on 15th.

We have no speaker planned for that evening so it will be the monthly competition and a general chat. Of course, this is all supposing we survive the apocalyptic storm brewing as I type.

