Maintained by Micaela Levachyov

Search Meeting 8th April 2012

It was a cold and wet morning when we set off (Ken, Joyce and myself) for a fairly long journey to our assigned meeting place. On arrival we found Dave, our potential new Member and Terry. Oskars joined us not long after. Terry came to add a little support and left soon after as he had family commitments. We drove to our site and after a chat with our Farmer friend got ourselves ready to detect. We all set off in our wet weather clobber and soon found we didn’t need it as the sun came out and it became a lovely warm day. We found the usuall worn copper coins, ship halfpennies, George V halfpennies and Vicky Halfpennies etc. Not a lot of artefacts apart from a little hoard of three Horse Brasses

and a fitting of some kind. Perhaps a candle snuffer?? The rain stayed away all day and we were able to sit out and have lunch. As we all decided we had had enough and were getting weary we came back to our cars, said our farewells to the farmer and as we started to leave it started raining so all in all we were very lucky and had an enjoyable day out.